Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Getting back in to it

As I said in my first post I've been out of the creative mood for a few months needing some space from my past work and past self. It feels so great to be creating again and to walk in to my living room and see my dining table strewn with magazines, bits of illustrations and empty tea cups. It makes me feel like I'm myself again. I'm still enjoying the mixed media work and it's a surprise to me that my work is going in that direction. A pleasant surprise though, I'm finally producing work that I could see going in to an exhibition. Here's some pieces I'm working on at the moment.

This piece is in it's really early stages, I'm not sure where I'm going with it just yet. It will be a similar vibe to  the "...ball of yarn" illustration I did.

This was a doodle I did at work on a quiet day. I'm not sure if it works as well on mainstream fashion images but I like the pattern.

1 comment:

  1. wow! This is my first visit to your blog, and I've got to say you have some really nice art work going on here! I'm really liking this idea of drawing on magazines. I try to practice it my self but everything I end up with are some pen mustaches and nerd glasses :D
    amazing talent :)
