Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Today was the first day off I've had in ages so of course I spent the day drawing. I re discovered this great issue of i-D that I picked up a few months back. It's the best of British issue which of course I've kept on my shelf for times when I'm feeling homesick and patriotic. There's some great shoots of british Icons in it and the one that caught my eye was this photo of Daisy Lowe.So I cracked out the old fine liner pen and started doodling. Here's the piece in it's stages.

Finished piece

I am really loving the results I'm getting from working over the top of magazine pages. I've always struggled with backgrounds to my work and often my work sort of floats in the middle of a white page. 

I'm not as interested in fashion illustration as such but I still find fashion images great to work with. I like to flick through an old copy of i-D or Dazed and find an image that really pulls you in. I'll stare at them for ages wondering what story might go behind them. In a lot of fashion photography there's an element of sadness even despair in the models expressions. This is just my opinion but sometimes it looks like the burden of beauty and perfection is too much to bear. It's this side of fashion images that appeals to me, actually it's this side of human nature that appeals to me. We desperately try to mix our mind with unattainable objects. Starting off over excited at the prospect and then shattered with disappointment when we realise the truth. 

I'm also aware of the perfection to my own work, it's almost OCD in it's nature. These patterns and lines are what I create when I'm at my most relaxed but they appear like I concentrate to the point where my eyes might fall out. What am I trying to mix my mind with I'm not sure, it's a journey.....if any of this makes sense please share your thoughts with me, I love to connect!


  1. Oh, I love this. What a fantastic idea to draw over magazines. My mom always did this to the TV Guide, but she usually just drew mustaches and blacked out teeth. This is much better!

  2. just discovered your blog and i'm just so amazed by your wonderful talent. wow. i'm spellbound by your daisy lowe illustration!

    ::post script::
    you have a new follower :)

  3. I sent you an email and hope to connect for commission work...i love your work
